Microcontroller & Breadboard

Table of Contents


Picture of the ESP32

The ESP32-WROOM32 Microcontroller is a dual core ESP32D0WDQ6 microcontroller with an adjustable clock frequency from 80-240 MHz and integrated WiFi and Bluetooth and BLE. You can easily program it using the Arduino IDE and its many libraries. ESP32 integrates a rich set of peripherals, like capacitive touch sensors, Hall sensors, SD card interface, Ethernet, high-speed SPI, UART, I2S and I2C.

Pinout Datasheet

USB Micro B Cable

Picture of the Micro USB Cable

For connecting your ESP32 to your computer.


Picture of a breadboard

This breadboard may be used to prototype your designs without soldering. It contains multiple power and signal strips that can be used to connect components.

Layout Diagram

Preformed Wire Kit

Picture of the Preformed Wire Kit

You can use these preformed wires to create connections between different lanes on your breadboard.

Jumper Wires

Picture of Male-Male jumper wires Picture of Male-Female jumper wires

Used for connecting breadboards together, connecting components to your breadboard and more. Can easily be split into smaller bundles.

Battery Clip

Picture of the 9V Battery Clip

Used to connect 9V batteries to your projects. The red wire connects to the positive terminal of the battery, the black wire to the negative terminal.

STORES Prototype Board

Picture of the STORES Prototype Board

This prototype board is a great tool to solder your designs using through-hole components. Solder your components by inserting them through the holes, and solder them to the copper pads on the bottom. Bridge the pads to make connections to other components and build your design!

This design allows you to split the PCB in 4 pieces by breaking them along the scored lines.